"Silver Imac, Magic Keyboard, and Magic Mouse on White Wooden Table" - photo is featured on pexels.com \\ popular resource of free stock photos \\ reached approximately 644K views, 1.18K downloads.
I was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary. My mother was a layout editor back in the 1970’s. I was inspired to follow her passion from a young age and she continues to be an inspiration for my work today.
At the age of 26 I moved to London, United Kingdom to work as an au-pair for a New Zealand family and learned to speak English. After spending a valuable time there in 2003 I decided to discover New Zealand. My new life began in Auckland, New Zealand.
My next destination was Christchurch where I earned a diploma of Digital Graphic Design @ Natcoll Digital Design School (now known as yoobee) www.yoobee.ac.nz
On completion of the course my daughter was born and new life began, family life.
While I was busy being a mum I created Pexen Design which has given me an exciting opportunity to take on new challenges, step out of my comfort zone (especially with logo design), meet incredibly warm-hearted people, develop skills and knowledge and discover my deep passion for visual and text layout concept.
Please do check out Pexen Design’s work portfolio or contact me here.
Pexen Design specialises in:
Logo Design
Branding Identity
Editorial Design / Books / Magazines
Website Design / E-Commerce
Product Photography